Our Nature

The Vineyard

On our land we have about 1.3 hectares of vineyard, Cabernet vines! We tend our plants with love, delicacy and organic passion in order to give our customers healthy bunches of grapes that are clean of chemical residues that conventional cultivation cannot guarantee. Our company is a member of the social wine cellar of Santa Maria La Palma, which transforms our grapes into a wine with outstanding sensory qualities.

The Olive Grove

Our centuries-old olive trees stand majestically in the two hectares of land dedicated to them! Our trees are Leccino, Bosana and Frantoiana and together give life to an oil that balances perfectly. Our olives, skilfully pressed and processed, create a delicate oil with fine flavours and a slightly spicy character, an organic oil with a bright colour and delicate fragrance.

The Orchard

Peaches, apples, pears, plums, pomegranates, strawberry trees, kiwis, bananas, lemons, oranges, and so on and so forth for the hundreds of other species of fruit that our orchard comprises. Created by us, from scratch, our young orchard is full of fruit varieties and gives us some delicacies to put on our tables every month of the year!

The vegetable garden and officinal herbs

There can be no farm without a vegetable garden, our vegetable garden is operational all year round, there are seasonal vegetables grown with passion and to fill our table and that of our customers! Our officinal herbs for the production of essential oils, but above all to meet the needs of our beloved bees who love this type of flowering!

Our Fodder

Our crops are not only for us, but also for our animals. Our aim is to self-produce what we need, but also for our animal family, and it is for them that we grow alfalfa, maize, sorghum, oats, barley and all the cereals that can help them in their complementary feeding to that of the pasture and in times of drought, when the pastures are dry and bare. For them, as for everything, farming is exclusively organic.